Saturday, March 20, 2010

Return of the Sun

I honestly think this has been the longest gap between blog posts since I started blogging in 2005. I don't know if that means I am busy actually accomplishing stuff now or if I simply had more interesting things to talk about years ago. Who knows! Nevertheless I have been quite the Southern Florida socialite since I last checked in. That doesn't mean however that I haven't been working on some of my goals for 2010. The picture above has nothing to do with my recent accomplishments but I don't think there is anything wrong with starting out with a little eye candy thanks to soccer super star Christiano Ronaldo and his recent Armani campaign ads.

I officially hired a private tutor to help me finer tune my spanish speaking and reading abilities. She is an absolutely lovely woman from Peru and has already helped me expand my vocabulary to a great extent. I already consider myself bilingual but I definitely think there is room for improvement and she has taken a very unique approach to help me develop my conversational abilities to another level. I meet with her once or twice a week and we discuss a particular book that the both of us are readin (in spanish). I guess it's almost like a private spanish book club! lol. I benefit not only by improving my spanish but by also being introduced to some new and interesting literature. I highly recommend these too. One is fiction and another is non-fiction but I think both books compliment each other beautifully.

The papi underwear brand has continued to drain my pockets. How such a perfect underwear could exist simply boggles my mind. Since I already have dedicated a post this this line of under garments, I will only say that the new platinum line and jock straps are rocking my world at work, the clubs, and the gym. The advertising alone is enough to keep me on my low carb diet. Ay papi!

Speaking of hot men and partying, I finally attended the official Miami Beach Winter Party as a local instead of a tourist this past month. Thanks to my Miami Fairy Godmother I was able to get VIP entrance to all the big parties. The beach party was my favorite and I had a chance to hang out with new friends and meet even more new people....not to mention run into a slew of old freinds and acquaintances from Chicago. Some of them didn't even have any idea that I was now living down here. Oh but let me say there was a 6'3 200lb BEEFARONI Cuban bartender that had everyone wanting to go back for more drinks. The picture below doesn't do him justice. I was mesmerized!

My time has also been spent partying it up in Fort Lauderdale. My intial impression of that city was that it was nothing but 50 year old leather daddies but my two new "sisters" have helped me discover the good side of Ft Lauderdale night life. I love these boys!

And while Winter Party had me running into some old Chicago peeps, one of my former co-workers took the time to take me out for my 31st birthday lunch! She was one of the few sane ones at my previous job in Chicago. Such a fun woman! Other than that and a quiet dinner with a friend (well, maybe not that quiet considering there was a St. Patrick Day festival going on) my birthday was very uneventful this year. Either I am not adjusting well to my "Dirty Thirties" or I simply had too much on my plate to plan an appropriate outing. However, I suspect it was due to the latter. :)

This past month has not all been partying. I think I finally found the perfect part-time job at a brand new independently owned neighborhood pharmacy. Ironically I found this job on craigslist! Who knew? I was hesitant to accept the position because the own wants me to work more hours than I originally planned but this offer is simply to good to pass up. The owner is fierce and the location is only 25 minutes from my house. Not to mention, the money is going to be often. By the end of the year I can finally rid myself of the credit card debt I accumulated as a student AND gain some great experience outside of a hospital environment. Speaking of which, my hospital job continunes to be amazing. I truly feel blessed. My co-workers are absolutely amazing and I feel like I am actually making friends. It's so funny how things work out. Never did I imagine I would find myself one day in West Palm Beach but here I am and I am liking it more and more each day. My free time is going to be limited with the new job but when I enjoy being at work so much that doesn't seem like such a bad thing.

So the past month has been very fruitful and I am looking forward to more! Before I end this post I must say that i am REJOICING that the queen of "Rocktronica", Jes has returned with a sophomore album even more fierce than her 2007 debut "Disconnect". Her rendition of the Cure's "Lovesong" is brilliant!


  1. Jes rocks my world. Literally!

    And gurl, you're so built. Miami looks amazing.

  2. I've also read 'El Alquimista'. Kudos to you for broadening your Spanish speaking abilities!
